When you choose to heal the mind, body and spirit you open your own pathways to living your highest truth.
The Zen Elephant was created to bring infinite healing and harmony to all beings through energy healing, plant medicine and other spiritual practices.
"I believe that in order to see great change in the world, we must first begin with ourselves. Holding ourselves accountable for our own self care and healing on every level is so important. This journey of life that we are all on, is all about love. Loving ourselves enough to create an awareness of what we choose to ingest. Loving ourselves enough to dig deep and heal from emotional, mental and physical trauma that we have faced during our lifetimes. Loving ourselves so that we may create a world full of healed individuals. The act of self love singlehandedly creates a world full of compassionate, kind, forgiving and unconditionally loving human beings. When we heal ourselves on the individual level, we create UNITY!"
-Kiera Liferidge
Founder of The Zen Elephant